Saturday in the mail I received a lovely gift From one of my blogger Buddies. The gift was from Valarie at In the package were two beautiful,old, small plates with pink roses in the center. Her card said "I saw these and thought of you." Wasn't that the sweetest, thoughtful thing to do. Thanks Valarie, I love them and I know just where I want to put them.
I have embarked on a very large task! When I bought this house the washer and dryer were in the garage, just outside the dining room door. In that part of the garage there is an area that is the width of the garage and about 7 feet deep. It is one step above the garage itself. In this area is were the washer and dryer sit. I have embarked on enclosing this area and making a laundry/ storage area. I have soooo much stuff that I need the extra storage area. I had a carpenter come in and put up a wall between this area and the garage. The walls in the garage are sheet rocked and taped and floated but that was it. Jennifer and I have spent the week end priming the walls and ceiling...Boy, am I tired and we haven't got it all finished yet.
The walls have suffered a lot of abuse and have a lot of dings and nail holes. I have filled all the nail holes but they are still not the best quality so I decided to wallpaper it all to hide some of the imperfections. I have ordered some soft blue and white stripe paper to do the job. We still have to finish priming before we can even think of starting to paper, plus I just ordered the paper yesterday. Again from my favorite wall paper seller on e-bay. I'll keep you posted on the progress but I think it will take a good month of weekends to get it all done.
But tonight I'm pooped. I'm fixing dinner and going to sit down, put up my feet and watch the Academy Awards. Luckily, I'm not working tomorrow so I'll take the day to rest. Have a good week!