Monday, July 27, 2009

Preview...Stay tuned!

This just a preview of what is to come. Walls are painted, wallpaper is not up yet!
But this what it looks like........These are my old dolls from my ancient childhood.
Stay tuned..........


Glimpse of My World said...

Cant wait to see.. have missed ya!

Unknown said...

The dolls are adorable, and are the roses on the wall hand painted or is that wallpaper? Either or...they are beautiful! Can't wait to see the rest!


villa extra said...

this wallpaper is just a dream!! And thank you so much for your kind words om my blog, it is so good to find out that so many people do care!! hugs, sylvia

cindy santiago said...

That wallpaper is gorgeous! Those dolls are adorable too!!!

Cindy said...

Oops, that was me above...I wasn't signed in correctly!

Penny Sue said...

Dear Miss Sandy,
I must say, "more, more, more"! It's gonna be gorgeous! I can just tell. What room are you doing? Such a precious thing that you have your dolls from your childhood. Anything I ever had was plastic. My sister actually had a lifesize dollie that had ceramic face, arms and feet. And a carriage to boot. I was always so jealous. All my plastic dolls ever did was drink water and pee. Great. Probably why I don't have any kids of my own! :) I digress! My sister now has a cherished momento of her childhood and she has it out in her home on display. We just call her "Baby"... and every once in a while I'll find something fun to buy baby. Socks, bonnets, a necklace. Kind of fun.

Hugs to you Sweetness! Penny Sue said...

That is spectacular wallpaper!!

Thanks for the kind words in your comment.

Jean Tuthill said...

The wallpaper is beautiful! And they dolls are, too. I can't wait to see it finished...I wish I was there to help you.